小雲電視盒子擁有獨家杜比音軌功能 讓你體驗影院級享受|Exclusive Dolby Vision Provide You with Cinema-like experience

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小雲電視盒子擁有獨家杜比音軌功能 讓你體驗影院級享受|Exclusive Dolby Vision Provide You with Cinema-like experience


Why do people enjoy going to the movies? The sound system, in my opinion, is what makes the entire experience so fantastic! You may not be aware, but SVICLOUD 3 PRO and 8 P also offer a special Dolby soundtrack that gives you the impression that you are seeing a movie!


為什麼人們喜歡看電影? 在我看來,戲院的音響系統讓整個體驗變得美妙! 您可能不知道,但 SVICLOUD 3PRO 和 8P 提供了特殊的杜比音軌,讓您感覺就像在看電影!

小雲電視盒子擁有獨家杜比音軌功能 讓你體驗影院級享受|Exclusive Dolby Vision Provide You with Cinema-like experience
You could easily become immersed in what you were watching if you had the special Dolby soundtrack. You can immerse yourself in the environment of what you are watching thanks to the ambient noise! Even if you're relaxing at home, it feels like you're watching a movie and getting the best entertainment possible.
小雲電視盒子擁有獨家杜比音軌功能 讓你體驗影院級享受|Exclusive Dolby Vision Provide You with Cinema-like experience


You only need to make one payment to start taking advantage of all the fantastic SVICLOUD TV box benefits!


您只需支付一次的費用,即可開始享受所有精彩的 SVICLOUD 電視盒優惠!



Check out the SVICLOUD TV boxes 8P and 3 PRO!

立即查看小雲電視盒子 8P及3 PRO!


SVICLOUD 8P 小雲電視機頂盒 8P


小雲電視盒子擁有獨家杜比音軌功能 讓你體驗影院級享受|Exclusive Dolby Vision Provide You with Cinema-like experience



SVICLOUD 3 PRO TV BOX 小雲3 PRO(4+64GB) 8K 旗艦級機頂盒

小雲電視盒子擁有獨家杜比音軌功能 讓你體驗影院級享受|Exclusive Dolby Vision Provide You with Cinema-like experience 



**Note: You can install a third-party application to watch, the box does not have an application built in**
